
What is SMS Bombing and how to stay safe from this form of harassment

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SMS Bombing is an attack where a large number of messages are sent to a particular number in a very short period of time, to harass a user or disrupt the normal working of a device.
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SMS Bombing is when a user's number is bombarded with a large number of messages or even OTP calls within a very short period of time. (Representative Image <============================> One of our colleagues recently woke up to hundreds of OTP messages from food delivery platforms like Zomato, Zepto, and Licious, all within a span of a few hours. He had just become the victim of what is called SMS Bombing where a user’s number is bombarded with a large number of messages or even OTP calls within a very short period of time with a clear intention to harass a user and disrupt the normal working of a device.

Thanks for reading: What is SMS Bombing and how to stay safe from this form of harassment, Sorry, my English is bad:)

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